So...I made that decision, and followed through. The hard part for me is going to perservere, and not bale on myself. That is an absolute classic move that I have pulled several times over the years. The minute I start experiencing success with something I tend to cut myself off of it. I've spent many an hour pondering this. I'm pretty sure I know why...I am also aware of how completely nuts that must sound. I go. And I wanted to take a moment this morning to thank all of you for your beautiful words of encouragement. Reading your own stories of strength and struggles has been enormously inspiring...
Yay for you for "just doing it!"
I think I can relate about the following through part. It's almost like success means I have to keep this a top priority in my life, and I'm not sure if I want that?
Just relax and let people enjoy your gorgeous creative works of art.
You rock!
hoorah!!!! So proud of you!!!! i keep saying i don't want to do photography for 'other' is just for myself...but i would think it is mostly because of fear!
i'm so proud of you!!! the horse is gorgeous!!!!
deep breathe...and let it be! xx
Hello dear celeste,
I just had to stop by because I keep bumping into you in blogland!
For one, we seem to both be huge fans of Linni over at 'periwinkle'(gosh I love that girl) and it seems we have both just taken the leap to open an etsy shop!!
I want you to know every word you wrote in this post I can so totally relate to, and no, you do not sound crazy at all.
I was wondering if you could add your etsy link on your blog so I can go 'visit' your shop, I would love to see what you've listed :)
And in case you're wondering who I am (blush, blush)
I'm the girl who painted Darlene. Thank you for the beautiful comment on her post...
and the photo of you in your new glasses is positively gorgeous!!
Blessings on your new shop!! and please know you never travel this creative path alone.
much love,
yay yay yay :) and um yup i understand, i do the same thing which is weird and i don't quite understand it but am trying to change that bad habit ...
can you please send me the link to your etsy store because i would love to go and see it :) pretty please with icing and sugar plum fairy wings on top ;-)
congratulations honey, i am so happy for you! xo
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