And now for
Bohemian Mom's Christmas Meme1. Do you celebrate Christmas? Yule? Winter's Solstice? Hanukkah? All of them?
Well...Christmas and Yule loosely...There's no religious significance for us, but we treasure it as a time to to slow down, and enjoy just being together.
2. Name your favourite X-mas movie. Love Actually...and Christmas Vacation
3. Your best X-mas present ever? A bike...when I was nine.
4. Do you bake cookies? Or buy them? Bake
5. How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa? Nine...when I busted my Grampa delivering the above mentioned bike to our house Christmas Eve. When I saw the 'Love Santa' tag on it Christmas morning the gig was up.
6. Your favourite X-mas food? Chocolate...and red wine...(I know that's not a 'food' per say...:)
7. Your favourite holiday tradition? We live in a very small town, and every year the volunteer fire department and a 'Santa' or two go around on the trucks going door to door wishing everyone a Merry Christmas on Christmas Eve. We then go to my brother-in-laws and hang with my husband's family all night.
8. Giving gifts or getting them? Definitely giving...and I totally think the thought behind it counts...and just grabbing something because you feel you have to give someone something.... I've said I don't want any presents this year except some of my mother-in-laws crocheted cotton washcloths. I love those.
Please feel free to jump right on in with this...
Have a great weekend! I hope wherever you are is a hell of a lot warmer than where I am....