Now, I am fully aware that what I am about to say will make me sound a wee bit kookie...but as I made my morning trip to the composter with my lovely bucket of banana peels, teabags, and watermelon rinds, I found myself ever-so-slightly jealous of my garden...

You see,all around me things are blooming...reaching...growing...Each bud, seedling, blossom...they are all in the midst of doing what they are meant to do, and they know it. They know little by little, day by day things are going as planned centuries ago...
I, however, am having one of those days where I'm just not sure. I'm usually a pretty 'live in the moment' person...but it's nice to have a little inkling of where your headed, right? And it's not like I don't have any ideas...if anything the problem is my brain gets all disconbobulated (now, I know that's not a real word, but I like it.:) with them.
I think maybe it's just the apprehension. I know in the next few years...as my children grow, I'm going to want, and need to make some major changes. Jon, and I often sit and chat about what we want our future to look like. As strange as this sounds, it kind of scares me that our dream is fully within our grasp.
Seriously, what could be more terrifying than sitting in an Adirondack chair, in the middle of a meadow petting a sweet little goat, and looking at all the pictures in the clouds above you.(Now that's a very small part of my future, but a part none-the-less.)
I don't know...this is just some crazy, rambling post from a girl that definately got up too early this morning...and obviously needs another cup of tea.
I think I'll go do a little daydreaming...
Sending you at least one happy little daydream today too...