It's Friday...and I'm feeling silly, and reflective at the same time...and because I found this meme on Deb's lovely blog, I thought I'd jump in on the fun...:-)
I am: a HUGE procrastinator
I think: well, I will call it abstractedly
I know: love is all that really matters.period.
I want: for really. Except for a little piece of land, with a tiny handmade home near the sea.
I have: a smile on my face
I dislike: insensitivity...and hearing cruel, thoughtless words coming out of people's mouths.
I miss: nothing
I fear: getting sick. Really sick.
I feel: content for the most part
I hear: children giggling as they play dress-up
I smell: nothing, because I don't really have a sense of smell.
I crave: simplicity
I usually: try to help wherever I can
I search: for balance. Well, I did...but I've since figured out that the best you can do is to go with the flow.
I wonder: if I will ever feel confident handling a camera...and when it will be warm enough to plant my garden
I regret: not getting my driver's liscence before 30
I love: laying in the grass on summer nights looking up at the stars
I care: sometimes too much
I am always: doing something...I can't sit still
I worry: not a whole lot
I remember: Maypole dancing when I was a little girl, on the front lawn of the Parliment buildings on Victoria Day...and I'm not sure why that just came to mind.:-)
I have: a pocket full of dreams
I dance: ummmmm...wildly, and not very well.
I sing: constantly
I don’t always: find the right words to express myself
I argue: I think fairly...and respectfully
I write: sporactically
I lose: not often. If I'm angry I tend to take a breath, and think before I open my mouth.
I wish: for all beings to be happy. Well, if you're going to wish, wish BIG,right.
I listen: far more openmindedly than I used too
I don't understand: the point of most rap music
I can usually be found: at home
I am scared: hmmmm...
I need: to be more adventurous
I forget: not a whole lot
I am happy: most of the time
Have a wonderful weekend...xo
Oh it's so good to see you, you lovely thing!
It's been a while, I know. My sporadic blogging ways have got to find a better balance. I loved what you said about balance..I am constantly striving for balance, but maybe I should give going with the flow a try for a while and see how it goes. I read a quote in a yoga book once that said *only dead fish go with the flow* and didn't really get that. Isn't yoga all about flow??? Isn't flow the better state to be in, rather than stagnancy when it comes to most things in life?
Yes...I think I will go with the flow.
Much love xo
i love this ... love love love!!!
"i smell: nothing" ~ which is why you can come running with me anytime, tee hee
such a lovely sharing~
I sense your sensitivities are a gift to you and those around you
thank you for your sweet sharing with us.
Wishing you a lovely weekend.
i can't wait to meet you
that's for sure
yay and it's SOON!!!!!
Teehee.. i giggled when i saw the date of this post... and then i breathed out and said thank you!!! Thank you that i'm not the only one blogging occasionally...teehee...
i love your photo...and i must admit, if we saw each other daily, i will not be able to keep my hands out of your!
i'll send you an email somewhere next week. And sooo thank you for the visit.. i see how you are every now and then on facebook... and think of you often!!! I also wished that we lived closer so that i coudl attend your yoga classes xx
Oh, I love this! I love that photo--you are gorgeous and I love that quirky expression. And I like all the little things this post says about you. =)
Hellooo Cutie, check out my blog
A simply you. So pretty.
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