Sunday, July 12, 2009


(My pink Schwinn Cruiser...:-)

It has been a day of joy...A little sitting out on the lawn in the early morn, sipping coffee, listening to the songbirds...bare toes tickled by the dew damp grass. A little shopping with my honey for new art supplies and a little fresh inspiration...a little meandering about town with my little girl (who is quite suddenly turning ten next weekend, and not so little!)

It has been an afternoon of sweltering heat...a hint of mugginess...telling me that mama nature should delight us with a beautiful light show tonight. I find summer thunderstorms so romantic...

It has been an afternoon of wandering through my yard looking for those little bits of ordinary magic that I sometimes forget about...those little hidden nooks where maybe fairies choose to dwell...

Little places where the light dances...

Oh, and I'm almost finished this...

and working on this...

I've been all about watercolours lately. I'm loving them! has just been one of those rare,perfect days...

and I hope you are having a perfect day today too...:-)


Friday, July 3, 2009

Simply Happy...

Today, I have two of my nieces here. They came into the living room when I was taking this picture...

'Auntie Celeste, why are you laying on the floor taking pictures? That looks fun.' Why yes, honey, yes it is...:-)

As I come here this morning, I have to say that honestly, it doesn't take much to make me happy these days...the chippy green paint on an old screen door hanging on my living room wall...smiley kids...the sweetest husband (who is at work running on less than three hours sleep because he took me to see these guys. There was a wee bit of swwwooooonnnnn-age going on...:-)

And speaking of swooning...

Jon is almost done our greenhouse...I couldn't be happier with it! This weekend we will be putting the stone on the foundation, an I hope to have the interior and exterior painting finished.

I also finished a painting I was working on for a local kids recreation centre fundraiser auction...and I just sent her on her way...

I did something new with this one. I used real flowers...which prompted another little niece to ask me...'Auntie Celeste, what are you doing with those flowers?' Cooking them in the microwave, of course. :-) I think I may have to forewarn my sisters-in-law to keep an eye on their flowers...and microwaves...

Then I had a very sweet lady ask me to please consider teaching a girls yoga/art camp next summer...(Which coincidentally, I'd been pondering for quite awhile anyway.)

All in all it's been a beautiful...NOISY(seriously, kids...could you turn it down a notch.) crazy, busy week...and I am most definitely looking forward to revelling in a quieter weekend.

What are your plans? Whatever you do I hope it is something that brings you joy and nourishes your soul...

Peace and love...